Change projects on the milk value chain
These are the change projects from ITP programme Healthy livestock – Safe food on the milk value chain.
Perception of small-scale milk producers on risk associated with milk delivery chain in Buringa
Egide Hanyurwumutima, Institut des Sciences Agronomiques du Burundi (ISABU)
In Burundi, more than 90% of the population lives in the countryside and rely on agriculture and livestock for their livelihoods. Milk production is the most important livestock activity. The project aimed to describe the milk delivery chain with critical control points for food safety. It was found that the small holder milk delivery chain comprises several critical points including improper animal management, insufficient milk delivery hygiene and safety requirement, insufficient veterinary services, inappropriate disease control measures and withdrawal times not being respected. These aspects of animal health and food safety were addressed in training workshops with men and women from all stakeholders along the value chain. Following the project, the participant has been able to bring up the importance of milk production and milk quality for poverty reduction of small holder on governmental level, and the government is now investing in small scale milk collection centres nationwide.
Increasing incomes for smallholder dairy farmers through enhancing Milk safety and quality in Kajiado North Sub County, Kajiado County-Kenya
Nazaria Wanja Nyaga, County government of Kajiado, Kenya
Kenya’s dairy production sector is characterised by a huge number of small-scale farmers, who make up 70–80% of the total production. This poses a major challenge to food safety assurance to the milk consumers. The poor-quality milk that is usually unsafe reduces the acceptability, shelf life of the processed milk and has affected the ability of the dairies to export to some export markets. The cost of production is affected by high prices for animal feeds, inputs and electricity and due to poor infrastructure, poor animal husbandry practices, lack of formal milk markets in some areas and lack of credit to farmers and processors.
Among the positive results of this project: initiation of a discussion around coming up with a bill to regulate milk from outside the county to ensure fair business and most important-milk safety. 100 farmers were trained in 6 villages (60 % of all farmers in the region). Reports that farmers have stopped use of milking cloths. (Avoidance of use of milking cloths by the trained farmers results in reducing risk of spread of mastitis.). Clean milk fetch Ksh 5 extra per litre delivered at the Cooperative. An Oral presentation of the project to 350 Veterinarians who attended the 53rd Kenya Veterinary Association Annual Scientific Conference and World Veterinary Day celebrations in April 2019. Many of them were impressed by the project and were inspired to undertake similar projects in their respective areas within the country.
Contributing to the improvement of the raw milk quality and safety through enhancing dairy best practices and awareness on antibiotic residues
Mukabagire Everienne, Ministry of Agriculture and animal resources, Rwanda
The dairy subsector is increasing in Rwanda and is an important pathway out of poverty for a large number of households. At the same time milk is a perfect medium for the growth of several pathogens that might need antibiotic therapy with the result of residues in the milk. The project has done a survey on antibiotic use in dairy cows and after that offered a 2–3 day training of milk value chain actors (farmers, milk collection centers, milk aggregation points, dairies, milk transporters and milk kiosks) on best practices and legal requirements and standards and the importance of prudent use of antibiotic. This have been done in 14 districts known to produce a lot of milk. The plan is also to organize radio talks to raise awareness about AMR and to undertake audits and follow-ups of the implementation of best practices.
To achieve the livelihood and the quality of milk produced by farmers in Kamonyi District, Rwanda
Prosper Sebagenzi, Caritas Rwanda, Rwanda
The project has worked with 55 farmers about increasing their knowledge on animal feeding, milking hygiene, packaging and purpose of milk screening at the milk collection center. In the long run this should increase the milk producers’ household income and health. This have been done through focus group discussions and visits to some targeted farms. The quality of milk supplied to the MCC has improved due to increased hygiene in the milk production on measurements recorded such as mastitis, density and temperature and earnings have started to increase slightly. Milk produced per animal has increased (1–2 liters) and the better milk hygiene and improved packaging have reduced spoilage. Caritas Rwanda is planning to continue with this project.
Gender-based perspectives on milk safety among smallholder farmers of greater Sanga -Sub county: Kiruhura District, Uganda
Judith Nagasha, Kyambogo University, Uganda
The objective with this project was to obtain information regarding milk safety practices during production, handling and marketing and to identify gender-based limitations to safe milk production. A study was conducted through interviews, focus group discussions and questionnaires but also observation of the community’s procedures when handling, storing and processing milk.
Improving milk production and quality through appropriate diagnosis and treatment of udder infections among small holder dairy farmers in South Western Uganda
Irene Mbatidde, National Agricultural Research Organisation, Uganda
Many dairy cattle suffer from subclinical mastitis which goes undetected and untreated for long periods causing economic losses for the farmer. This project has focused on promotion of diagnosis of udder infections with the objective to improve milk quality. To promote prudent use of antibiotics was also a part of the project. 20 milk samples were collected and analysed for somatic cell count and bacteria. 15 of the animals had elevated somatic cell count and from 18 animals, different bacteria were isolated.
Senast granskad 2024-10-31